- A Heavenly Affair
- A'cappella
- Abba Zaba
- Adams and Brooks
- Aero Bar
- After Eight
- AfterShocks
- AirHeads
- Albanese Confectionery
- Albert's Candy
- Aldama
- Allsorts
- Almond Joy
- Almond Roca
- Altoids
- Amarula
- American Carnival Mart
- American Fish
- American Metalcraft
- Amos Sweets
- Amport Foods
- Anahuac
- Anchor Hocking
- Andes Mints
- Andy Capp's
- Angelitos
- Annabelle Candy Company
- Anthon Berg
- Archie McPhee
- Arcor
- Arway Confections
- Asbach Uralt
- Asher's Chocolates
- Assorted
- Astor Chocolate
- Astro Pop
- Atkinson Candy
- Atomic FireBall
- Ausome
- A’cappella
- Baby Bottle Pop
- Baby Ruth
- Bailey's
- Bakers Candies
- Bali's Best
- Bananarama
- Barenland
- Barnier
- BarNone
- Barrels of Yum
- Bartons Candy
- Baskin Robbins
- Bazooka Gum
- BB Bats
- Bear Creek Smokehouse
- Bebeto
- Bee International Inc
- Beemans Gum
- Belgium's Chocolate Source
- Benestar
- Biermann Marzipan
- Big Hunk
- Big League Chew
- Big Little Fudge
- Big Red
- BigMouth Inc
- Bigs Seeds
- Bit-O-Honey
- Black Cow
- Black Forest
- Black Jack Gum
- Bliss Life
- Blue Diamond
- Bobs Sweet Stripes
- Bocadin
- Bogdon's
- Boh Bah
- Bonkers
- Bonnie and Pop
- Bonomo Taffy
- Bonz
- Boogers
- Bosco
- Boston Baked Beans
- Boston Fruit Slices
- Boston Warehouse Trading Corp
- Botan
- Bottle Caps
- Bounty
- Brach's
- Bradbury Barrel Company
- Broadway Licorice
- Brownie Brittle
- Bubbaloo
- Bubble Yum
- Bubblicious
- Bubs Godis
- Bubu Lubu
- Bumplettes
- Bun
- Burton and Burton
- Butlers Chocolate
- Butterfields
- Butterfinger
- Cadbury
- Caffarel
- Campfire
- Can You Imagine That Confections
- Canada Mints
- Candy Blox
- Candy People
- Candy Planet
- Candy Pop
- Candy Warehouse
- CandyRific
- Candytech
- Canel's
- Cape Cod Provisions
- Captain Morgan
- Caramel Apple Pops
- Caramel Creams
- Caramello
- Caramels
- Carousel
- Casali
- Castle
- Cavendish and Harvey
- CB Stuffer
- Cedrinca
- Cella's
- Charleston Chew
- Charms
- Cheong Woo Confectionery
- Cherry Mash
- Chick-O-Stick
- Chiclets
- Child's Play
- Choc-Aid
- Choco Rocks
- Choco Treasure
- ChocOBeer
- Chocolate Chocolate
- Chocolate Storybook
- Chocolaterie Abtey
- Chocolove
- Chocwasabi
- Choice Confections
- Choward's
- Chuckles
- Chunky
- Chupa Chups
- City Pop
- Claeys Candy
- Clark Bar
- Clawhammer
- Clever Candy
- Clove Gum
- Coffee Crave
- Coffee Crisp
- Coffee Go
- Coffee Rio
- Cointreau
- Colombina
- Colorin
- Concord Confections
- Confiserie Heidel
- Cookie Dough
- Copper Kettle
- Corn Nuts
- Corrios
- Country Time
- Cow Tales
- Cracker Jack
- Crayola
- Crayon
- Create A Treat
- Creme Savers
- Cremino
- Crispery
- Crows
- Crunch Bar
- Crunchie Bar
- Cry Baby
- Crystal Light
- Cucharita
- Culinaire
- Cup-O-Gold
- CurlyCutes
- Dad's Root Beer
- Daily C
- Daily Chef
- Darrell Lea
- DateMe's
- David Seeds
- de la Rosa
- DecoPac
- Dee Best
- Dentyne
- Di Matteo Confetti
- Dindon Foods
- Dip Loko
- Dippin Dots
- Disney Candy
- Dolcetto Cubetti
- Dolcetto Petites
- Don Pepe
- Doscher's Candy Co
- Doublemint
- Dove Chocolate
- Doveli
- Dr Johns
- Dryden & Palmer
- Dubble Bubble
- Dulces Liz
- Dulces Mara
- Dulces Pigui
- Dum Dums
- Dutch Licorice
- Duvalin
- F&F Foods
- Face Twisters
- Famous Amos
- Famous Grouse
- Fancy Pops
- Fazermint
- Ferrara Candy Company
- Fetch for Pets
- Finders Keepers
- Fini
- Flake
- Flamethrower Candy
- Flicks
- Flipsticks
- Flipz
- Flix Candy
- Flossugar
- Fluffy Stuff
- Foam Party Hats Inc
- Foreign Candy Company
- Fort Knox
- Fralinger's
- Frankford Candy
- French Chew
- Frooties
- Fruit Chew Pops
- Fruit Chews
- Fruit Gushers
- Fruit Stripe
- Fruzel
- Fun Dip
- Fun Express
- Funky Chunky
- Fweygo Candy
- Galaxy Bar
- Galerie
- Galil Foods
- Games Formation
- Garden
- Georgia Nut Company
- Gerrit J Verburg
- Gertrude Hawk
- Ghirardelli
- Giant Gummy
- Gilliam Candy
- Gimbal's Fine Candies
- Glee
- Glitterati
- Glory Bee
- Go Organic
- Gobstopper
- Godinger
- Godiva
- Goetze's Candy Company
- Gold Medal Products
- Goldkenn
- GoLightly Candy
- Goo Goo
- Goobers
- Good and Plenty
- Good News Bar
- Goody Good Stuff
- Gosanko Chocolate
- Gourmet International
- Goya Foods
- Grumpes
- Guinness
- Guittard Chocolate Company
- Gumby
- Gummy Bands
- Gummy Goods
- Gummy Shotz
- Gusano
- Gustaf's Licorice
- Guyaux
- Guylian
- Hammond's
- Hammont
- Hampton Farms
- Harcos Labs
- Haribo
- Harry London
- Harry Potter
- Hawaiian Punch
- HDS Trading Corp
- Heath Bar
- Hello Kitty Candy
- Hello Panda
- Herbert's Best
- Hermann the German
- Hershey Chocolate
- Hershey Kisses
- Hi-Chew
- Hickory Harvest
- Hillside Candy
- Hint Mint
- Hoch Fun-Food
- Home Essentials
- Honees
- Honest Organic
- Hopjes
- Hospitality Mints
- Hostess
- Hot Pops
- Hot Tamales
- HotLix
- Hubba Bubba
- Hubert
- Huxley & Kent
- HypnoPops
- La Helada
- La Suissa
- La Vie
- Lady May Sweets
- Laffy Taffy
- Lake Country Candies
- Lammes Candies
- Lancaster Soft Cremes
- Lark Ellen Farm
- Lemonhead
- Lerro
- Les Anis de Flavigny
- Licorette
- Lieber's
- LifeSavers
- Likkebaard
- Linda's Lollies
- Lindt
- Lion
- Lion Bar
- Lip Pops
- Liqueur Fills
- Little Debbie
- Locochas
- Long Boys
- Lonka
- Look!
- Lotus Biscoff
- Lucas Candy
- Ludo
- Lupy Lups
- Luvy Duvy
- LV Suckers
- M&M's
- Madelaine Chocolate Company
- Maker's Mark
- Mallo Cup
- Maltesers
- Mama Mellace
- Mamba
- Manzelazo
- Marich Confectionery
- Mark Avenue
- Mars Inc
- Marshmallow Circus Peanuts
- Marshmallow Fun
- Marukawa
- Mary Jane
- Matchems
- McCraw's Taffy
- McKeever and Danlee
- McSteven's
- Mega Buttons
- Mega Candy
- Meiji
- Melster Candies
- Melville
- Mentos
- Mexi-Land
- Midlon Foods
- Midway's Finest
- Mighty Malts
- Mike and Ike
- Milk Duds
- Milka
- Milkfuls
- Milky Way
- Mini Q
- Mint Julep
- Mint Patties
- Mondelez International
- Montes
- Moon Pie
- Moose Munch
- Mother's Cookies
- Mounds
- Mountain Bar
- Mountain Thins
- Mr Goodbar
- Mrs. Fields
- Mrs. Freshley's
- Muddy Bears
- Munch Bar
- Paleton
- Party Darby
- Party Sweets
- Pastiglie Leone
- PayDay
- PeA
- Peanut Butter Bars
- Peanut Chews
- Pearson Ranch Jerky
- Pearson's Candy Company
- Peeps
- Pelon Pelo Rico
- Peppa Pig
- Perfect Man
- Perugina
- Petite Deceit
- Pica Limon
- Pico Diana
- Pillsbury
- Pine Ame
- Pink Cadillacs
- Pixy Stix
- Plantation Candies
- Planters
- Pocky
- Pop Creations
- Pop Rocks
- Pop Tarts
- Pop Ups
- Popcornopolis
- Primrose Candy Company
- Prisma Mexico
- Productos Indy
- Puchao
- Pucker Powder
- Pufflettes
- Puffy Poles
- Puntini
- Pure Sugar Candy
- Push Pop
- R.M. Palmer Company
- Raffaello
- Rainbow Nums
- Raindrops
- Raisinets
- Rascals
- Ratliff Candy Company
- Razzles
- Rebanaditas
- Red Hots
- Red Vines
- Redstone Chocolates
- Reed's
- Reese's
- Regal Crown
- Rellerindos
- Remy Martin
- Rendez Vous
- Ribon
- Rice Krispies
- Richardson Brands
- Ricola
- Ricolino
- Riesen
- Ring Pop
- Rip Rolls
- Ritter Sport
- RJ's Licorice
- Roca Thins
- Rocher
- Rockaleta
- Rocky Road
- Rolla Roaster
- Rolo
- Roses Brands Manufacturing
- Rotten
- Runts
- Russell Stover
- Saf-T-Pops
- Salted Nut Roll
- Saratoga Sweets
- Sassy Cylinders
- Sassy Sours
- Sassy Spheres
- Sassy Straws
- Satellite Wafers
- Schladerer
- Schluckwerder
- Sconza Candy
- Seapoint Farms
- Seattle Chocolate Company
- Seneca
- Senjaku
- Sephra
- Serra
- Sevigny's
- Sezme
- ShipInsure
- Sixlets
- Skippy
- Skittles
- Skor Bar
- Sky Bar
- Slap Stix
- Slim Jim
- Slo Poke
- Slush Puppie
- Smarties
- Snack Factory
- Snappers
- Snickers
- Sonrics
- Sour Patch Kids
- Sour Power
- Sour Punch
- Southern Comfort
- Spangler Candy Canes
- Spearmint
- Special K
- Spree
- Sprinkle King
- Sprinkle Pop
- Squeeze Pop
- Squiggly Pops
- Squire Boone Village
- Starbucks
- Starburst
- Stewart Candy Company
- Sticklettes
- Storz Schokolade
- Strawberry Hill
- Stuffed Puffs
- Sugar Babies Candy
- Sugar Daddy Candy
- Sugar-N-Play
- Sun Maid
- Sunbursts Candy
- Sunkist
- Sunny Seeds
- Sunrise Confections
- Super Bubble
- Superior Chocolate
- Supreme Chocolatier
- Swedish Fish
- Sweet Candy Company
- Sweet Chaos
- Sweet Maple Candies
- Sweet N Fun
- Sweet Nature Candy Canes
- Sweet Shop USA
- Sweet Shots
- Sweet Spindles
- Sweet Treats
- Sweethearts
- SweetWorks
- Swipple Pops
- Swiss Miss
- Switzer's Candy Company
- Tabasco
- Taffy Town
- Take 5 Candy
- Tamago
- Tangy Zangy
- Tart n Tinys
- Taste of Nature
- Tastebuds Popcorn
- Teenee Beanee
- Temkin International
- Tenli
- Terry's Chocolate Orange
- Tesla Pops
- The BaBa Candy
- The Hershey Company
- The Marshmallow Castle
- Thompson Chocolate
- Tic Tac
- Tinajita
- Toblerone
- Toffee Crisp
- Toffifay
- Too Tarts
- Tootsie Pops
- Tootsie Roll
- Tootsie Roll Industries
- Top Pops
- Torani
- Torie and Howard
- Toxic Waste Candy
- Toysmith
- Toyz N Treatz
- Transatlantic Chocolates
- Treat Street
- Trident
- Trolli
- Tropical Nut and Fruit
- TrueNorth
- Truffettes de France
- TruJoy Sweets
- Turin Chocolate
- Turtles Candy
- Twin Bing
- Twinkle Candy
- Twirl Pops
- Twix
- Twizzlers