Pink & White Nerds Candy Packs: 36-Piece Bag
It’s impossible to be a nerd when you’re giving out Pink and White Nerds Candy for Valentine's Day. The tangy-sweet strawberry and punch flavored candy bits will transform you from zero to hero just like Patrick Dempsey in "Can’t Buy Me Love". You’ll go from pocket protector to gracious deflector of invites to the big V-Day dance. Each box of Valentine Nerds candy features "To" and "From" graphics so people will know they’ve been thought of. Results may vary.
Box Dimensions (Inches): 1 1/2 x 1 1/4 x 1/2
Bag contains 36 snack size packs of Valentine Nerds Candy.
The shipping weight for this pink and white Nerds candy are around 1.5 lbs.