Atkinson Cinnamo Sticks Hard Candy: 36-Piece Box
It’s nearly impossible to consume an entire spoonful of cinnamon at once. In fact, the dare to do so even inspired an odd online fad called the "Cinnamon Challenge." But honestly, if you love cinnamon enough to try to eat it by the spoonful, let us give you a quick tip… don’t. It’s not going to taste good, and attempting to consume a good-sized dollop of the powder is never a great idea in general.
Don’t get us wrong, we love cinnamon as much as the next spice fanatic. However, we choose to get our fix a much sweeter way -- with Cinnamo Sticks! Bursting with spicy flavor, these crunchy candy sticks are the tastiest way to indulge upon the beloved seasoning. In bold red and pink stripes, they’re perfect for crunching, munching, licking, and even decorating! And trust us, it’s a way better option than a spoonful of the powdery spice anyways.
Stick Length: 5 Inches
Box contains 36 pieces of Cinnamo Sticks Hard Candy.
Shipping Weight ~ 1 lb. Kosher Certified.