Ice Breakers Cool Mint Sugar Free Mints Packs: 8-Piece Box

You might want to buy your tongue a snow coat. Sure, Ice Breakers’ Cool Mint flavor has a touch of sweetness that’ll ease the chill and make your mouth water, but it also has tiny flavor crystals that work like miniature wind turbines, blowing icy fresh air all over your taste buds and invigorating your whole mouth… because you haven’t tasted cool until you’ve tasted Ice Breakers cool.
Sweeteners: Aspartame, Maltitol, Sorbitol
Mint Diameter: 3/4 Inch
Display box contains 8 Ice Breakers Cool Mint Sugar Free Mint Packs, each with a net weight of 1.5 ounces.
Shipping Weight ~ 1 lb.
ATTENTION: Consumption of sugar-free products can produce a mild laxative effect. We recommend starting with a small serving size.