Treat Street Dinosaur Roaring Candy Poopers: 2-Piece Set
Ever heard of coprolite? It might sound like some sports beverage or weight-loss shake, but in all reality, it’s actually a fancy term for fossilized feces. That’s right folks, prehistoric poop exists, and there are samples of real, live dino dung housed in museums and research facilities across the globe! Don’t you desire to get your hands on a piece?!
…Well, we’re not exactly sure how you can do that. But we do happen to have something even better to offer: Dinosaur Poopers, with real roaring (and pooping) action!
There’s no way to know the original colors of dinosaur droppings, so we like to think they were full of marvelous rainbow hues. Also, we don’t have any way to verify the tastes of ancient excrement… so we’ve decided it must taste like candy. That’s why, when these big T-Rexes (with their terrifying grins and stubby little arms) decide to take care of business, they leave round and colorful candy pieces in their wake! Press down on the giant, extinct beast and he’ll unleash a loud roar… and a couple of candy droppings while he’s at it! Just pick up the pieces, pop ‘em in your mouth, and munch away on that colorful candy dino dung! Yum.
Set contains 2 Dinosaur Roaring Candy Poopers, each with approximately 6 pieces of candy.
Shipping Weight ~ 1 lb.