Dubble Bubble Gum Sports Pro Balls: 12-Piece Box
"Take me out to the ball game!" Oh but which one? The decision will be pretty difficult to make when you receive this 12-piece display of Dubble Bubble Sports Pro Balls. Choose between basketball, soccer, football, or baseball. But no matter what choice you make you’ll get a pack of sweet chewy bubblegum and that’s a win for all. Perfect for athletic themed parties, pass these treats out as favors. The metallic sheet of stickers inside are sure to get you extra points with recipients.
Ball Diameters: 2.5 Inches
Unit Price = $1.65/ball.
Display box contains 12 Dubble Bubble Pro Balls with Assorted Gumballs Candy.
Shipping Weight ~ 3 lbs. Kosher Certified.