Eddy Edibles Assorted Sour CBD Gummies THC Free 200mg: 10 Gummy Bears

For those who love the mouth-puckering sensation associated with tangy flavors, Candy Warehouse offers Eddy Edibles assorted sour CBD gummies 200mg. While we don’t believe you ever need a reason to eat sweets, CBD infused candy gives delicious purpose to your confectionary snacking. Not only are these colorful 10 gummy bears (20mg each) coated with sweet sugar, they’re also coated with THC free CBD oil from hemp plants. So while your taste buds are tangoing with the pleasurable tart bite, these cuddly CBD edibles are delivering the dosage you need in an adorably discreet, soft and chewy way. Check out the full line of CBD edibles at Candy Warehouse for more fun and easy ways to take your medicine.