Nerds Candy Neck Pillow

Airplanes are exciting -- they take you to new places, and if you’re lucky, you even get to snack on peanuts and pretzels and cookies on the way there! And if you’re really lucky, you snag the window seat and watch the clouds and tiny buildings pass by far below as you soar through the air.
But even if you get to sit in that coveted window position, there can be downsides to flights, too. First of all, there’s hardly any leg room to speak of. The person seated in front of you will probably lean all the way back in his seat, and the kid sitting behind you will more likely than not decide that incessantly pushing at the back of your chair is a completely acceptable way to make new friends. Sometimes, the passenger seated next to you will want to divulge her entire life story; other times, she might accidentally use your shoulder as a head rest. Despite all this, you may try to get some sleep… eventually waking up from that fitful nap with a cramped neck. No wonder so many travelers arrive at their destination in a grumpy mood!
While we can’t offer you more leg room or improve the behavior of fellow fliers, we can definitely help you solve the post-nap neck cramp! This colorful, pink and green Nerds pillow features mini cartoon images of fruity candy pieces, but best of all, it’s cushiony soft and will gently cradle your neck for comfortable snoozing. And it’s great for all types of travel -- car trips, train excursions, and more! So no matter what seating situation you might be stuck in, this candy-inspired neck pillow is sure to guarantee sweet dreams!
Pillow length: 11 Inches
Nerds Candy Neck Pillow is made from a soft blend of cotton and polyester and filled with squishy microbeads to ensure a comfortable sleeping experience anywhere!Shipping Weight ~ 1 lb.