SweeTarts Heart Lollipops: 30-Piece Bag
As a kid people would take one look and say, "Aww, that one’s going to be a heart breaker." The phrase didn’t really make sense until you stumbled across this bag of SweetTarts Heart Lollipops. Despite cute phrases like, "Love Ya," "I’m Yours," and "Kiss Me," scribbled across their fronts, you paid no regard before taking a bite to get to the cherry flavor.
So it seems all of those commentators were right. You’re literally breaking hearts now -- SweetTarts Heart Lollipops, that is. Share this 30-piece bag with friends and you can all break hearts together.
Heart Width: 1 1/2 Inch
Bag contains 30 wrapped SweeTarts Hearts Message Pops.
Made in the USA.
Shipping Weight ~ 2 lbs.