Gone are the days of being forced to get your gingerbread fix by munching upon the limbs of unsuspecting cookie people -- Twix has crafted a delicious, tri-tiered solution!
Like your typical Twix, each crunchy biscuit is layered with a cool, creamy coating of caramel, and then wrapped inside a decadent cloak of milk chocolate. But this festive version has a little something extra hidden up its shiny golden sleeve -- a sweet and spicy twist, bursting with the distinctive honey-molasses flavor of gingerbread! If you love the taste of this seasonal classic but are often filled with remorse after snacking upon the decapitated bodies of the innocent, then itโs time to start celebrating! Twix has your back, in chocolate-coated bar form.
Bag contains 10 ounces of Twix Gingerbread Candy Bars... that's about 18 pieces.
Made in the USA.
Shipping Weight ~ 1 lb. Kosher Certified.