YumJunkie Candy Flowers - Green: 5LB Bag

A perfect centerpiece for your next springtime hoopla, these wee candy flowers offer a mild, tangy flavor. With a vibrant green coating that recalls the image of Saint Paddy’s green shamrock shore, these little tarts are a classic for both the Feast of Saint Patrick and the bunny-loving holiday of Easter. Often times it is said that little Easter conies and leprechauns can be seen, engaged in heated battle aboard a sea of Green Sweet Tart Flowers. Also available in bright purple, yellow and white, you can combine them to make one brilliant bouquet of candy.
There are approximately 400 pieces per pound.
Flower Width: 5/8 Inch
Bag contains 5 pounds of Green Sweet Tart Candy Flowers.
Made in Canada.
Shipping Weight ~ 6 lbs.